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Keep your forms compliant with
Forms Advisor™

Forms Advisor™ is a software application designed to answer the question, "What forms do I need for my transaction?"  No matter how many years you’ve been in the business, it’s a dilemma you still face at the beginning of a real estate transaction - literally hundreds of federal, state, local and broker forms exist, and you have to search through them and decide which ones are required for your contract. 

Forms Advisor is an expert system which evaluates a set of facts provided by a real estate professional pertaining to the transaction against one or more sets of rules defined by knowledge experts, such as attorneys at the state association, local association and broker levels.

The facts needed for Forms Advisor include:
  • What phase the transaction is in
  • What party you are representing
  • Where the property is located
  • What type of property it is
  • Physical attributes of the property and more

Equipped with these facts, Forms Advisor responds with a list of forms to be used at that phase of the transaction as required to satisfy the rules defined by the experts.

In addition to providing the list of forms, this rules-based tool creates the transaction in zipForm® Plus with the recommended forms, thereby reducing the time spent on creating a transaction.

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